Friday, March 7, 2008


It is screaming spring outside! And I am... inside! Friday is screaming, "let me out of class"! Friday does not know of my three remaning classes or the fact that I have a 10 page paper to write before tonight... or the large amount of music theory I have to catch up on. Friday knows nothing!!!
In other news, yesterday we began putting the set together for our play, Pride and Prejudice. Most of the girls are having their dresses made in period style- mine is gray!
At the moment we are watching The Barber of Seville in class. Wednesday we watched The Pirates of Penzance. I think Pirates is one of the only operas I can say I really like!
NNU is in the process of picking a new president, and the Board of Trustees should have made a decision by tonight. There is quite the air of excitement over here, between the presidential search, the South Pacific performances, and Spring's grand enterance; which brings me back to my original dilemma- I'M INSIDE!!!