Friday, August 29, 2008

Conformed.... or Transformed...

It is so easy to blend in, to change who you are so others will like you... to do anything to fit in takes no courage. To do everything you can to fight your will to blend in... to truly stand out takes courage.

If we go through life changing to our surroundings, our companions, and to the situations life is constantly throwing at us, no one will know who we really are including ourselves.

It is time to stand up for who you are, the person that you were meant to be, not the person that creeps up when you are at your weakest, the easy personality of complacency to the world's expectations.

Different is beautiful.


Nicki said...

Katie, It sounds like you are doing some self discovery here.
It hit me years ago that I was a cameleon. I wanted to desperately to be liked and would do almost anything. I fit into every crowd in High school and in work life as well. It struck me... those people were really friends. They didn't really know me and I too did not know myself. In coming to Christ, I found me. I realized I needed to stand for what I believed it at any cost.... even friends.....even being liked. In seeing myself as God viewed me, I discovered so much. Good and Bad, actually.
You are so amazing..... your world is so full and busy. I am happy you are making these discoveries now.
Love NJ

Grace said...

Amen. Good post, Kate!