Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Only a few more days until turkey-day!

Tired and Brain-dead students going home for a time of blessing with family and friends before the deadly finals hit.
Students like me!

A time to relax, unwind, and laugh...

Delicious food....

Winter Beauty setting in...

Time to see family members that really never grow up...

Fellowship with loved ones and reaching out to those less fortunate...

One of my favorite times of the year- and I have SO much to be thankful for!!!


Grace said...

What an attractive young woman that is~ you know, the one holding the spoon in a savage grip. :P

There's a Kreative Blog award waiting for you at mom's blog! Go get it! :D

Mrs. G said...
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Mrs. G said...

After FINALS are over, an update will be expected!