Monday, November 17, 2008

Quotes to ponder...

Well, I decided for some strange reason to get sick on my birthday.
I just took some cold medicine, but before I get to bed, I thought I would put up a couple quotes from a book I have been reading. I can't get these words out of my head!

"The danger of good works, spiritual investments, and all the rest of it is that we can construct a picture of ourselves in which we situate our self-worth. Complacency then replaces sheer delight in God's unconditional love. Our doing becomes the very undoing of the gospel."

"We miss Jesus' point entirely when we use His words a sweapons against others... hypocrisy is the natural expression of what is meanest in us all."

"If we maintain the open- mindedness of children, we challenge fixed ideas and established sturctures, including our own... we become fully aware that God's truth cannot be imprisioned in a small definition... (this) does not absorb all propositions equally like a sponge, nor is it soft. But the open mind realizes that reality, truth, and Jesus Christ are incredibly open-ended."


Joni Kaye said...

Such good stuff!! Makes you really think!!
Thanks for sharing!

Grace said...

amen! :) good reminders... "looking away unto Jesus"...